Nick Dokos <> writes:

> I don't know much about references and bibliographies in org (there have
> been some discussions recently on the list I think but I haven't
> followed them), but AFAIK the \bibliography stuff is just text as far as
> org is concerned and is passed verbatim to the output file. It just
> happens that when the output file is processed through latex and
> friends, they can make some sense out of it. The rest of the world (org
> included and all its exporters) remains blissfully ignorant - that's my
> story in any case and until somebody proves me wrong, I'm sticking with
> it.

It's pretty much true.  There's a org-bibtex or an ox-bibtex.  Neither
work to my satisfaction.  The best solution that I've tried is still
links (there was a new solutions posed recently (on github) and
there's Zotero-integration as well, which I haven't tried).  Using
\cite{.} directly is frail as it can break over lines.


Don't panic!!!

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