Michael Brand writes:
> Is it a bug?

I think so, but Eric has the last word on this.  The results should come
after the call, but the current implementation would look for the
results line from the beginning of the buffer.

> I also noticed this when I was writing an ERT. First it confused me
> but then I thought that this is intended to make it possible to
> have #+BEGIN_SRC and #+RESULT at independent locations, possibly in
> reverse order.

I can't see how it would be much more difficult to have a #+CALL where
you want the result (independently of where the source block is), but it
seems pretty limiting to allow only a single result.

> For how to address several similar calls to different results see my
> ERT patch here
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/72513/focus=73655 and the
> messages before. I used :session for emacs-lisp and a workaround with
> :var dummy_name for Babel languages that do not support :session like
> shell.

I didn't get what you were trying to do there, but it's pretty obvious

Anyway, more testing shows my patch will prefer the results line after
the call, but if you then insert another call before that (without an
existing result) the result from the now second call will still be
clobbered, so there needs to be some more fixing by limiting the search
to not extend across other calls or source blocks.  Or this really is a
feature, although I don't really see much use for it.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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