On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 03:53:53PM +0800, chris wrote:
> I want to set up Org-mode variable "org-agenda-files".
> How to Let [C-c a] to search over all files in a directory *recursively* ?

You can try this function:

;; recursively find .org files in provided directory
;; modified from an Emacs Lisp Intro example
(defun find-org-file-recursively (directory &optional filext)
  "Return .org and .org_archive files recursively from DIRECTORY.
If FILEXT is provided, return files with extension FILEXT instead."
  (interactive "DDirectory name: ")
  (let* (org-file-list
         (case-fold-search t)           ; filesystems are case sensitive
         (fileregex (if filext (format "^[^.#].*\\.\\(%s$\\)" filext)
         (cur-dir-list (directory-files directory t "^[^.#].*"))) ; exclude .*
    ;; loop over directory listing
    (dolist (file-or-dir cur-dir-list org-file-list) ; returns org-file-list
       ((file-regular-p file-or-dir) ; regular files
        (if (string-match fileregex file-or-dir) ; org files
            (add-to-list 'org-file-list file-or-dir)))
       ((file-directory-p file-or-dir)
        (dolist (org-file (find-org-file-recursively file-or-dir filext)
                          org-file-list) ; add files found to result
          (add-to-list 'org-file-list org-file)))))))

I'm pretty sure there are a few bugs, so test well.


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