Georg Lehner <> writes:

> 1. content.xml changed on disk
> ==================
> At the end of the export process I get the message:
> content.xml changed on disk; really edit the buffer? (y, n, r or C-h)
> Please type y, n or r; or ? for help
> After typing 'y', I have to reconfirm with 'yes' and then with 'y'
> again to get a valid export.
> Any tips how to fix or avoid this?

If you have set up everything correctly, C-c C-e O (capital O) should
launch LibreOffice for you. If not, you may have to do some extra
configuration.  Here is what I do on my Debian.

Install xdg-utils.

   sudo apt-get install xdg-utils

Make sure that xdg-open launches LibreOffice.

   xdg-open file.odt

Add this to your .emacs

   (setcdr (assq 'system org-file-apps-defaults-gnu ) "xdg-open %s")


If you are on Windows machines, make sure that
`temporary-file-directory' is configured correctly.  Check *Messages*
buffer and you will know what the ODT exporter is doing.


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