Here is an example:


a par

- Note taken on [2013-06-30 Sun 13:32] \\

another par

# another par

# another par

another par


Where forward-paragraph stops is at the dots:


a par
- Note taken on [2013-06-30 Sun 13:32] \\

another par
# another par

# another par

another par


Sometimes it does not stop at :END: but stops at the end of the
following paragraph.

That is not useful for me when I want to navigate (YMMV).  There is no
way I can predict that even if it makes sense in the parser's theory.

I am aware that the parser has its own logic, but stopping on the last
line of a drawer is not something that I would predict and stopping
after the paragraph after the drawer is too long a jump for me as a

Also, stopping after a series of commented paragraphs instead of
between them is not useful to me as a user.  I want each one to be a
separate paragraph because that is the way I comment things.  I do not
restrict myself to a single commented paragraph; there is a semantic
distinction between two commented paragraphs and one comment with two
internal paragraphs.  Of course, this is my own preference and maybe
some others do not draw that distinction.

Where i'd like it to stop is ideally here:


a par
- Note taken on [2013-06-30 Sun 13:32] \\
another par
# another par
# another par
another par


(In reality, I am thinking that it would be great if Emacs could
optionally make both forward and backward motion go to the beginning
of an object instead of the end, but that is  a separate topic as we
are talking about consistency with the rest of Emacs.)

There are probably theoretical reasons for the existing choices, but
they do not match my intuitive needs.

Is there a way to make it work the way I want it to?  I think my
intuition is more consistent with the rest of Emacs?

Hope this stimulates discussion.



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