Hi Richard,

> I recently upgraded from 7.8.03 to current master (actually
> release_8.0.3-299-g1d606c0) and now when I export to LaTeX, the following:
>    #+DATE: %Y-%m-%d
> no longer causes the date to be the current date in ISO 8601 format.  It
> now simply prints "%Y-%m-%d".
> I tried:
>    #+DATE: {{{date(%Y-%m-%d)}}}

This also doesn't work for, but I've never used it before.  But it
should be {{{time(.)}}} cf.

> but got "Circular macro expansion: date".  I also tried:
>    #+BIND: org-export-date-timestamp-format "%Y-%m-%d"

This works for me in Org-mode version 8.0.3
(release_8.0.3-309-gabacff).  Is the problem still persistent after
trying from emacs -q or after trying M-x org-reload?

#+BIND: org-export-date-timestamp-format "%Y-%m-%d"
#+DATE: <2013-07-01 Mon>

* test

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-export-date-timestamp-format "%B %e, %Y")
(set (make-local-variable 'org-export-allow-bind-keywords) t)


The Kids call him Billy the Saint

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