Suvayu Ali <> writes:

> On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 07:09:35AM +0800, feng shu wrote:
>> Customize  `org-latex-pdf-process isn't very convenient.
>> Is it possible add a  feature like: #+LATEX_PDF_PROCESS:  latexmk
>> or add  #OPTIONS:  ;latex_pdf_process  latexmk
> If you don't mind my chiming in, the standard way to customise Emacs
> behaviour (across all modes, not just Org) is through
> customize-variable.  Org cannot keep on introducing new keywords just
> because of convenience.

I don't think so, Convenience is very important in most situation. we can
introduce new keywords just for convenience!  #+LATEX_CLASS is a good example,
If we don't want convencience.  we can just customize `org-latex-default-class

The core is that how many org-mode users or potential users  
can benefit from this keyword!

we can export pdf with latex by using many different schemes and we can export 
with libreoffice. So adding a keyword which let users choose a pdf export 
for current file is not a bad idea.

> In any case, this is also a security risk.  This starts an external
> process.  Allowing something like this means one can run an arbitrary
> command just by exporting a file.  I do not think that is wise at all.
> Exactly for this reason we have org-confirm-babel-evaluate defaulting to
> t.
If we only let user select scheme predefined in org-latex-pdf-process, I don't 
think security is a problem. If a user adding a dangerous command in 
'org-latex-pdf-process, he should know what he is doing. It's his choose.


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