Sebastian Wiesner <> writes:

> It's not actually located there at all.  

It is for me (ArchLinux).

> My Texinfo is installed via
> Homebrew into "~/.homebrew", hence my "htmlxref.cnf" is  at
> "~/.homebrew/share/texinfo/htmlxref.cnf".  There is no
> "/usr/share/texinfo/htmlxref.cnf".
> Texinfo doesn't read a single file anyway, but all of these, and
> merges them into a single file.  For my manual, I use an additional
> "htmlxref.cnf" right next to the ".texi" source to add some missing
> links.
> The Org exporter should take all of these files, and merge them by the
> same rules.  For system-wide configuration files, it should either try
> to get the right prefix out of the "makeinfo" executable in
> "exec-path" (as returned by "executable-find"), or take the list of
> files from a customization option.  The latter is probably easier, and
> more predictable to the user.

Well, that's too much work for me now.  Hopefully someone who needs
this can help too.

> Implementing this likely amounts to a fair bit of work, which I was
> somewhat disappointed to learn that Org doesn't do it already :)

Me too ;)


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