* Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:
> I would be happy to document this method and provide it on Worg. In
> my opinion, this would be very handy for many Org-mode users.

I summarized the method on Worg[1].

Can someone please proof read the page? I am not a native speaker
and it's always good to let someone else check my weird flow of
thoughts :-)

And there is a small issue I have got: I was not able to include the
resulting image files. I looked at [2] and did it like with [3].
However, my [4] results in a 404 Not Found message. Do I have to
register any new folder somewhere?


  1. http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-dot-diagrams.html
  2. http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-plot.html
  3. http://orgmode.org/worg/images/org-plot/example-1.png
  4. http://orgmode.org/worg/images/org-dot/example-diagram.png
mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
       > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <

https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode + more on github

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