I've been an newbie org user for a while now: in particular, I've never
played with export much and all my LaTeX work as been done with AucTeX
in a .tex file. I'm considering switching to an Org-based setup if I
could get the following, mainly for courses I'm preparing for which I
would need beamer / handouts / normal LaTeX / maybe odt export

* sectioning (\section et al commands in LaTeX) done with first and
  second/third level heading, common to all exporters

* some common LaTeX code for all exports (definitions/theorems)

* manual specification of individual frames for the Beamer export. I
  guess I would need LaTeX blocks for that, would AucTeX be available in
  the edit buffer ?

* manual LaTeX code for normal LaTeX

* some python/pgfplots/tikz source blocks generating images, used in the
  different export modes.

Can it be done ? Even better, did one of you already implemented
something similar ?


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