Org-mode version 8.0.5 (latest)

Test done with this command:

emacs -q --load ~/t/org-test-final.el

Contents of ~/t/org-test-final.el:

(setq package-load-list '((org t)
                          (org-plus-contrib t)))
(setq org-export-section-number-format '((("I" ".")) . "."))
(find-file "~/t/")

Contents of ~/t/

* one
** two
*** three

In the test emacs session, press C-c C-e (org-export-dispatch) then
press h o to open the exported html in the browser. The section
numbers are shown as 1 and 1.1 and 1.1.1 when they should be, I guess,
I. and I.I. and I.I.I.

Same result with this too:

(setq package-load-list '((org t)))
 '(org-export-section-number-format (quote ((("1" ".")) . "."))))
(find-file "~/t/")

C-h v cannot find the variable org-export-section-number-format but
M-x customize-group RET org-export-general RET shows its
documentation, after that C-h v shows it is defined in org-exp.el
which is a file bundled with Emacs, and is not part of the latest org

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