Hi, Robert --

Thanks very much for your work on this. I'm now *much* closer than I was. However, I'm not there yet.

Here's a snippet of the tex file that I need:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
A paragraph here describes this section and tells students how many terms to
term 1
term 2
term 3
term 4
term 5
term 6
term 7
term 7
term 8
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

However, if I use the org-latex-class definition that you suggested, this is what I get:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
A paragraph here describes this section and tells students how many terms to
term 1

term 2

term 3

term 4

term 5

term 6

term 7

term 8

term 9

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The additional lines in the tex file add numbers and oddly formatted text to the pdf. The numbering scheme is also off -- these lines in the class definition:


are supposed to have to have the question-level headings numbered with Roman numerals and the part-level headings numbered with Arabic numbers. But for some reason that numbering scheme isn't imposed.

Perhaps I need either just to write in latex or to work with what Rasmus is suggesting; I've not had time yet to digest his suggestions. I'm floating on the edge of my knowledge here....

Thanks again.


John Rakestraw

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