Julien Cubizolles <j.cubizol...@free.fr> writes:

> ...
> * All the headers I add end up on the same line when I define them like
>   in the following (even with an empty line).
>  #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \institute{My Institure}
>  #+LATEX_HEADER:\usepackage{mypackage}
>  The LaTeX file produced is not very readable. How can I produce
>  linebreaks between different LATEX_HEADER entriesĀ ?

You need to modify the code to get them: that's probably an omission
(ngz will probably respond in much more detail than I can). They are
only cosmetic of course, but if you have to have them, you can try
adding them in org-beamer-template around line 880:

               (concat (plist-get info :latex-header)
                       (plist-get info :latex-header-extra)
                       (plist-get info :beamer-header-extra)

The problem with this is that the newlines are added even if the
various items are empty, so you may end up with more newlines than
are necessary.

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