Christopher Allan Webber <> writes:

> Hello,
> I'd like to have a habit-only agenda view, if possible, that looks a bit
> like:
> Morning habits
> --------------
> life:  TODO Shave               [   * *  *    *         !]  habit::morning:
> rsi:   TODO morning stretches   [  **   **    **       *!]  habit::morning:
> Night habits
> ------------
> life:  TODO Exercise            [   * *  *    *         !]  habit::night:
> ... and maybe an other category for cathing the rest.
> I'd also like to have these habits not drop off the agenda view when I
> move them to DONE if possible.  However, I'm getting the sense that this
> isn't possible... it seems like the habit system works with
> agendas-only, and there's no way to say "give me an agenda with only
> these certain things on it".

Did you try the following custom command?

              ("h" "Habits" tags-todo "STYLE=\"habit\""
               ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Habits")
                 '(todo-state-down effort-up category-keep))))

Thanks and Regards

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