
What seems to work for most people is exporting to latex, running
bibtex, and using one of these tools to convert to ODT:

- TeX4ht (the usual recommendation)
- Pandoc

or to convert to a format that ODT imports reasonably well:

- LaTeX2RTF (and import RTF into LibreOffice)
- LaTeX2HTML (and copy-paste or import HTML into LibreOffice)

If you're feeling adventurous, you may want to try a half-baked solution
of mine:
Feedback is appreciated.


Roger Mason writes:

> Hello,
> I'm finishing a paper that will need to be submitted to the publisher as 
> MS Word. I use neither Word nor Libre/OpenOffice. I need to have a 
> bibliography with cross-references from the text and intended to export 
> from org to ODT then Word.  My bibliography file is in bibtex format.  
> After a search I see various messages discussing bibliographies but I'm 
> unsure what the current situation is with respect to exporting to 
> ODT.    Can someone enlighten me? If direct export to ODT of a document 
> with a bibliography is not currently implemented, can someone suggest a 
> workflow to get from org -> ODT?
> Thanks,
> Roger
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