To whom it may concern:
While looking through the tutorial,
<>I found a few
typos which were confusing to me at first.

In the 'Keep track of lists and notes' section, the following source code

Start a new document (*C-x b),

seems to be missing a trailing asterisk with regard to the keyboard
shortcut C-x b, resulting in what looks like *C-x as the initial command.
Fixed looks like this:

Start a new document (*C-x b*),

In Agendas: New shortcuts, the following source code line:

 - C-c .* -- add date

Seems to be missing a lead asterisk, which causes a confusing looking
shortcut in both the source and compiled versions, as well as a lack of
bolding in the source version. Fixed looks like this:

 - *C-c .* -- add date

In Agendas - Appointments and Deadlines section, the following source code

/Call fred/ (*M-RET*Call
   fred), but at the end press *C-c .*.

Should contain an additional space, between *M-RET* and 'Call fred.' The
lack of space is causing the entire statement to be bolded in the source
version, where 'M-RET' and 'C-c .' are the only things which should be
bolded, as well as showing the C-c command as *C-c .. which is sorely
confusing. Fixed looks so:

/Call fred/ (*M-RET* Call
   fred), but at the end press *C-c .* .

Thanks for putting together a nice tutorial! It helped me learn orgmode
very quickly, despite the delay to figure out the typos.

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