Rob Stewart <> writes:

> I have an R script that generates a data frame, that I export to a CSV
> file. The data looks something like this:
>     "","Variant","Xaxis","N","mean","sd","se"
>     "1","line1",10,5,111.11,9.33,3.11
>     "1","line1",20,5,112.11,9.13,3.14
>     "1","line1",30,5,113.11,9.43,3.10
>     "1","line2",10,5,101.11,8.33,2.11
>     "1","line2",20,5,100.11,8.13,2.12
>     "1","line2",30,5,108.11,8.03,2.10
> I have an ongoing org-mode document in which I'd like to report this
> data. I'd like to add a table that looks something like this:
>     | Variant | X Axis | Y Axis | N | Mean | Standard Deviation |
> Standard Error |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> The data will change frequently over the coming months. I'd like
> org-mode to auto-magically read a CSV file, to construct my org-table
> on-the-fly. I'd hoping to avoid copying and pasting results each time.
> Is there some org-mode or emacs+ESS magic I can use to populate my
> empty table, with source data from my CSV file?
> --
> Rob

Definitely there is:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+begin_src R :results table :colnames yes

| X | Variant | Xaxis | N |   mean |   sd |   se |
| 1 | line1   |    10 | 5 | 111.11 | 9.33 | 3.11 |
| 1 | line1   |    20 | 5 | 112.11 | 9.13 | 3.14 |
| 1 | line1   |    30 | 5 | 113.11 | 9.43 |  3.1 |
| 1 | line2   |    10 | 5 | 101.11 | 8.33 | 2.11 |
| 1 | line2   |    20 | 5 | 100.11 | 8.13 | 2.12 |
| 1 | line2   |    30 | 5 | 108.11 | 8.03 |  2.1 |

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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