Hi Guys I'm trying to do literature programming with org mode.
My problem is How can I safely quote "#+XXX" inside a Babel-block?
I found org-mode mismatch the outter "#+begin_src"  with the first "#+end_src" 
inside the block hence gives me a wrong parse.

Here's an example:
#+headers: :var varlist=top_iv
#+begin_src python :return iv_template(varlist)
  def iv_template(varlist,db,table):
      for var in varlist:
          #+name: var
          #+begin_src sqlite :db mydb
            SELECT colName,cnt,suc,fal,iv FROM mytable WHERE colName == %s';
          #+end_src   # org mode stop here!
          ''' % (var,var)

          print babel_template

I know it looks twisted,but what I really care is wheather org-mode holds the 
capability to do so.

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