Matt Price <> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm making a very simple org-document -- a packing list for a trip.
> It has entries like
> - 4 mugs
> - for sleeping bags
> - 4 thermarest pads
> I'd like to replace the numbers there by a variable -- so if I make a
> list for 4 people, the number displayed will be '4'; but if the list
> is for 2 people, the number displayed will be 2.  Better would be if I
> could also do simple arithmetic manipulations (x * 6 dinners for a
> week...).  I there a really simple way to do this? if it's not really
> easy, it won't really seem worth it, but if it is really easy, I will
> use it a lot...

Use a table with a named reference, e.g. stored as subtree property. See

| * My Trip
|   :people:   4
|   :END:
| | item       | factor | total |
| |------------+--------+-------|
| | toothbrush |      1 |     4 |
| | socks      |      4 |    16 |
| #+TBLFM: $3=$2*$PROP_people


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