On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Nicolas, just jump to the last para.
> Feng Shu
> Please CC the mailing list.  I don't mind receiving or replying to
> one-to-one mails but things that we exchange will be of interest to
> other members.
> feng shu <tuma...@gmail.com> writes:
> > 1. When I add (setq org-odt-data-dir "~/project/org-mode/etc/") to my .
> > emacs file, it works properly, Thanks!
> >
> > 2. Two question:
> > 1. How can I get uppercite: test^[1] instead of test[1]?
> > 2. How can I get compressed cite,like: test^[3, 5, 7-10, 16]
> Thanks for the requests.
> Numbering is done by ox-jabref.el and not by JabRef application, so
> these requests can indeed be met with 5-15 minute of effort.  But I
> hesitate to
> The main problem is there are just too many styles a Bibliographic
> Reference can be typeset - right from what some standard says, to what
> my university wants to what I prefer myself.
> This is where some sort of common agreement - even just among the
> members of the community - will help.  I will keep listening to the
> conversation and hopefully an opinion will emerge during the course of
> time.

We don't need include all the styles, but we should make the feature easy
hack for end users. we can introduce hook and filter!

> > Forgot to mention:
> > The speed of converting bib to xml is slow, may be we should introduce
> > a cache system.
> If you use "Numbered" transcoders, then the citekeys are processed one
> by one.  So if there are 10 citekeys, then there will be 20 invocations
> of command line.
> One way of dealing with this is to choose a transcoder, that doesn't
> enumerate.  In that case the Bibliographic Reference is created enbloc.
> So the number of command line invocations will reduce to 11 = 10 + 1.
> The ASCII document that I circulated gives examples of such transcoders.
> > just like previewing latex snippet.
> Caching of citekey->XML or whatever transformation is one option.
> Another option is to just disable citations for casual exports and
> enable it one for the final output.
> Something like
>    cite:t
> for #+OPTIONS.
> For now you can customize `org-odt-citation-transcoders' so that
> citation processing is disabled.

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