The following:
\texttt{PING}s ~PONG~s, \textbf{Foo}s *Foo*s, \emph{Bar}s /Bar/s.

When exported to latex produces:
\texttt{PING}s \textasciitilde{}PONG\textasciitilde{}s, \textbf{Foo}s
*Foo*s, \emph{Bar}s /Bar/s.

What I'd really like to be able to do in my org mode file is to have
bold, verbatim, or italics substrings within one word. I.e. for the
latex export to look like:

\texttt{PING}s \texttt{PING}s, \textbf{Foo}s \textbf{Foo}s,
\emph{Bar}s  \emph{Bar}s.

Is there a way of coercing org-mode latex export in to playing nicely?


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