Aaron, thanks so much, I've attached all three....
Malcolm Cook
h - 913.642.5257
c - 913.226.1542
w - 816.926.4449

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Malcom,
> 2013ko abuztuak 8an, Malcolm Cook-ek idatzi zuen:
>> Aaron & Nick,
>> Thanks for the help.  I think I'm almost there.
>> So far I did
>>  * install a latex package (first time for everything).  I wound up
>> just putting svg.sty file it for now in the same directory as the .org
>> file since my attempts to date failed using $HOME/texfm
>>  * customize the emacs variable `org-latex-pdf-process` to include
>> '--shell-escape' (following advice in
>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-dependencies.html, which outlines some
>> other options)
>>  * upgrade to inkscape version 0.48.+ (which is more recent than our
>> centOS repos proffered, but, hey) since the --export-latex switch that
>> svg.sty depends upon is not implemented till this version
>> When I "export to latex as PDF file", I get error "PDF file ./test.pdf
>> wasn't produced"
>> Sleuthing, I see the output .tex file includes the following lines:
>> \usepackage{svg}
>> ...
>> \includegraphics[width=.9\linewidth]{mtcars.png}
>> @@backend:\includesvg{mtcars}
>   ^^^^^^^^^
> This looks like (malformed?) org markup that has “escaped” into the
> exported .tex file.  Are you still using some of the custom macros from
> other threads?  Can you send a minimal example of the file that you are
> trying to export, and the resulting exported .tex file?  The .log file
> produced by LaTeX when compiling the .tex file may be helpful as well.
> Thanks,
> --
> Aaron Ecay

Attachment: testsvg.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: testsvg.tex
Description: TeX document

Attachment: testsvg.org
Description: Binary data

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