
I am trying to move my beamer export settings to the new exporter, but I
cannot even get a minimal example from the documentation to work properly.
Specifically, Org-Mode headings do not get parsed to frames during export
to LaTeX Beamer.

I added the minimal beamer export setup from
http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/beamer/ox-beamer.html to my .emacs:

(require 'ox-latex)
(add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
               ("\\section\{%s\}" . "\\section*\{%s\}")
               ("\\subsection\{%s\}" . "\\subsection*\{%s\}")
               ("\\subsubsection\{%s\}" . "\\subsubsection*\{%s\}")))

Using the minimal example from the documentation

     #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
     #+TITLE: Example Presentation
     #+AUTHOR: Carsten Dominik
     #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation]
     #+BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA: \usetheme{Madrid}\usecolortheme{default}
     #+COLUMNS: %35ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %10BEAMER_envargs(Args)
%4BEAMER_col(Col) %8BEAMER_extra(Ex)

     * This is the first structural section

     ** Frame 1 \\ with a subtitle
     *** Thanks to Eric Fraga
         :BEAMER_env: block
         :BEAMER_envargs: C[t]
         :BEAMER_col: 0.5
         for the first viable beamer setup in Org
     *** Thanks to everyone else
         :BEAMER_col: 0.5
         :BEAMER_env: block
         :BEAMER_envargs: <2->
         for contributing to the discussion
     **** This will be formatted as a beamer note                  :B_note:
     ** Frame 2 \\ where we will not use columns
     *** Request                                                   :B_block:
         Please test this stuff!
         :BEAMER_env: block

the headings do not parse to beamer frames. This is the LaTeX output I get:

% Created 2013-08-09 Fri 12:04
\author{Carsten Dominik}
\title{Example Presentation}
  pdfcreator={Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.0.7)}}


\section{This is the first structural section}
\subsection{Frame 1}
\item Thanks to Eric Fraga\hfill{}\textsc{B_block:BMCOL}
for the first viable Beamer setup in Org

\item Thanks to everyone else\hfill{}\textsc{B_block:BMCOL}
for contributing to the discussion
\item This will be formatted as a beamer note\hfill{}\textsc{B_note}

\subsection{Frame 2 (where we will not use columns)}
\item Request
Please test this stuff!
% Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.0.7)

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards

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