This is a contacts merge function, you can use it to merge duplicate


(defun eh-org-contacts-merge-contacts ()
  "Merge duplicate contacts"
  (dolist (name (let ((contact-list (org-contacts-filter nil nil)))
                   (loop for contact in contact-list
                         collect (substring-no-properties
                                  (org-contacts-vcard-escape (car contact)))))))
    ;; let UPDATE be the first contact matching NAME
    (let* ((contacts (org-contacts-filter (concat "\\b" name "\\b")))
           (update (first contacts)))
        (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer (second update))
          (goto-char (marker-position (second update)))
          ;; for all other contacts matching NAME as CONTACT
          (dolist (contact (rest contacts))
            ;; add all properties to UPDATE
            (loop with special-properties = (mapcar 'first 
(org-entry-properties nil 'special))
                  for (property . value) in (third contact)
                  unless (member property special-properties)
                  do (if (or (string= property "TAGS") (string= property 
                         (org-set-tags-to (delete-dups
                                           (nconc (org-get-tags-at)
                                                  (split-string (if value value 
"") ":" t))))
                       (let ((second-value (org-entry-get nil property)))
                         (unless (string= (org-contacts-strip-link (if 
second-value second-value ""))
                                          (org-contacts-strip-link (if value 
value "")))
                           (org-entry-put nil property
                                          (concat (org-entry-get nil property)
                                                  " " value))))))
            ;; delete CONTACT
              (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer (second contact))
                (goto-char (marker-position (second contact)))
                (let ((plist (second (org-element-at-point))))
                  (delete-region (plist-get plist :begin)
                                 (plist-get plist :end)))))))))))

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