Hello list,

This code does not work because of automatic conversion from string to
number in org-babel-read-table.

#+TBLNAME: table_test
| name  |  id |
| name1 | 034 |
| name2 | 135 |
| name3 | 1B5 |

#+NAME: code_test
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var table=table_test
  (setq myv "")
  (dolist (line table myv)
    (unless (eq line 'hline)
      (setq myv (concat myv ";" (mapconcat 'identity line ",")))))


I would like to have this result :

#+RESULTS: code_test
: ;name,id;name1,034;name2,135;name3,1B5

Is there any possibility to deactivate this conversion as with
inhibit-lisp-eval for lisp forms ? Or better is there any way to chose
conversion parameters on a column to column basis ?


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