On 20.9.2013, at 02:36, Matt Price <mopto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> lots of questions lately!  Sorry.
> I am trying to export an org-file to odt after having created a
> deck.js presentation from the same file.  Exports to html work fine,
> and exports of other files to odt also seem to work.  With this
> image-heavy org-file I'm having trouble.  Export fails thus:
> -----
> LaTeX to MathML converter not available.
> Formatting LaTeX using verbatim
> Embedding /home/matt/NewOne/Images/oxfam_gobal_citizenship.jpg as
> Images/0001.jpg...
> OpenDocument export failed: Wrong number of arguments: nil, 2
> -----
> The relevant section of the org file is this:
> ----------
> * Global Citizenship?
> :STEP:     1
> :END:
> #+CAPTION: Happy Children of the Global Village?
> [[file:~/NewOne/Images/oxfam_gobal_citizenship.jpg]]
> - What is Global Citizenship?
> - Is it a concept worth supporting?
> - What responsibilities does it entail?
> ------------

I just tried this snipped, and it worked without problems.

Can you please make us a backtrace?

- Carsten

> Removing this image just generates the same error with the next image.
> Any idea what's going on?  Could I be missing some kind of helper
> appication or something?
> I don't really need the images in the odt file.  Can I turn off inline
> embedding of images in odt, just to make this problem go away?
> Thanks a lot!!
> Matt

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