Hello jo,

Johannes Rainer <johannes.rai...@gmail.com> writes:

> dear all,
> I am trying to use MobileOrg, and successfully set up the sync to my
> WebDAV. Also, my agenda is nicely synced to the ipad, however, any changes
> that I make to the agenda on the iPad, while being stored into the file "
> mobileorg.org" on the server and saved into "from-mobile.org" locally, are
> not further processed locally.

AFAIK, you have to run `org-mobile-pull` to further process your edits.

> This means, from-mobile.org contains the information about the changes
> to the agenda, but the e.g. TODO status changes are not written back
> to the local org files.
> any solutions? is there something I miss, or is there a log file or
> anything where I could check what is happening, or actually, is not
> happening?
> thanks in advance!
> jo


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