Rasmus <rasmus <at> gmx.us> writes:

> zwz <zhangweize <at> gmail.com> writes:
> I'm assuming you're only interested in LaTeX output here.
> > Hi, I want to export a table to pdf as follows:
> >
> > * test
> > | \textcolor{red}{range} | \textcolor{blue}{0\sim2^{8}-1} |
> How about this? 
> #+MACRO: color  \textcolor{$1}{$2}
> | {{{color(red, range)}}} | {{{color(blue, 0\sim2^8-1)}}} |
> Unless you're doing something that's not systematic, or which has a
> very particular logic it's probably not the right way.
> If all entries in a column/row need to be colored you should specify
> that rather than doing it manually.  You could use tabu, but be warned
> that the interface will change at some point, or you could use
> colortbl.  See here:
>     http://texblog.org/2011/04/19/highlight-table-rowscolumns-with-color/
> –Rasmus

The macro-way does not work.
The generated tex still contains the extra \ before {.
My org version is 8.0.7.

Thanks for your tips.
But I just want to color some column/row.
And I really enjoy the convenience of org table.

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