I thought the footnotes would come out as follows, which I believe is
the way it did before I upgraded from org version 7.9.3 (I think it



[9]  Agreement-Related definition: This defined term is available for use
in, for example, attorneys' fees clauses, limitations of liability,
and the like.


Here's the HTML generated by the exporter -- note that the footnote
number comes just before the <p> containing the text:


<div class="footdef">[<a id="fn.9" name="fn.9" class="footnum"
href="#fnr.9">9</a>] <p class="footpara">
<b>Agreement-Related definition:</b>  This defined term is available
for use in, for example, attorneys' fees clauses, limitations of
liability, and the like.



. C. Toedt III  (my last name is pronounced "Tate")
Attorney and arbitrator -- contracts and intellectual property

d...@toedt.com     LinkedIn: dctoedt    Calendar (redacted)
O: +1 (713) 364-6545    C: +1 (713) 516-8968

Houston, Texas (Central time zone)
log: On Contracts.com
Book project: Common Draft encyclopedic dictionary of contract clauses

Unless expressly stated otherwise, this message is not intended
to serve as an electronic signature nor as assent to an agreement.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> "D. C. Toedt" <d...@toedt.com> writes:
>> The footnote section in my HTML-export doc has the footnote number
>> separated from the footnote text by a blank line.  See
>> http://www.commondraft.org for the document.
> What did you expect instead of this rendering?
> Did you try to adapt the CSS to get what you need?
> Thanks,
> --
>  Bastien

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