Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:


> I wonder how Org-mode turned out as it is with regard to settings

> If not: why can't there be a general pattern where a user can assume
> that #+foo (file) can be applied as :FOO: (heading) as well?

and I wonder why 

| #+ATTR_HTML: :foo bar

on top of a table becomes a ':attr_html' attribute of the table 's
property list, but the same thing on top of a headline becomes a
(keyword ...) that belongs to the section preceding the headline - when
parsing the buffer with `org-element-parse-buffer'. 

I would have expected that all affiliated keywords with the pattern

| #+ATTR_<<backend>>: :foo bar

directly on top of an element are converted to attributes of the element
they are attached to, no matter what <<backend>> actually looks like
(or, at least, when <<backend>> is listed in `org-export-backends' or
`org-export--registered-backends' or so).


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