
When exporting an org file containing the line

| Here is some source code: src_c++[:exports code]{int a;} It is inline.

the following HTML is generated

| Here is some source code: #+BEGIN<sub>SRC</sub> c++
| int a;
| #+END<sub>SRC</sub> It is inline.

which looks approximately like this

| Here is some source code: #+BEGINSRC c++ int a; #+ENDSRC It is inline. 

When rendered, as opposed to the desired

| Here is some source code: int a; It is inline. 

where the 'int a;' would be syntax highlighted, use a proportional font,

Switching automitic subscripting off with

| #+OPTIONS: ^:{}

doesn't improve the situation. The generated HTML is now

| Here is some source code: #+BEGIN_SRC c++
| int a;
| #+END_SRC It is inline.

which has the equally unsatisfactory visual appearance

| Here is some source code: #+BEGIN_SRC c++ int a; #+END_SRC It is inline. 

when rendered.

The experiments were performed with org mode 8.2 on Emacs

Could you point out my mistake, please?

Thank you.

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