Here is part of how I use org-mode to publish to my blog:

My approach is pretty automated, but I have left some manual steps in
place. Basically I write a post as a heading in some org-file, press a key,
which generates the html post in the required format and in the right
place. Then I build the blog, and push it to github. All that could happen
with a key press, but sometimes I like to inspect the content before

I will try to describe the actual blog setup another time. I use blogofile,
which is a static blog generator, so it is quite different from using
wordpress, or other blog systems that you publish to via rss, xml-rpc,


John Kitchin
Associate Professor
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Brett Viren <> wrote:

> John, I finally got a chance to watch your really nice SciPy talk last
> night.
> I've been trying to incorporate Reproducible Research methods with org
> into my own work.  I strive to do more and what you are doing looks to
> provide a wealth of examples.  I hope more researchers follow this
> methodology.
> One thing I've yet to get a good handle on is publishing org content in
> an automated (and beautiful) way.  I was very taken with your
> pages and would like to try to set up something similar for myself.
> Do you have a write-up or other guidance on this that I might follow?
> I've started to go through your related github repositories to figure
> out what you do but if something more guided exists it would help.
> Thanks,
> -Brett.
> Carsten Dominik <> writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I don't know if this has been linked to before on this mailing
> > list.  At SciPy 2013, John Kitchin has made an amazing
> > demonstration of Org-mode as a tool for reproducible research.
> > Really amazing to watch.
> >
> >
> >
> > - Carsten

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