On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Bob Newell <bobnew...@bobnewell.net> wrote:
> Aloha Matt,
> For some while I've been also working on my "writer-mode" for org-mode,
> and run into similar problems. (However, I don't think I ever intend
> writer-mode for general release; it will probably just remain something
> I use myself.)
> I ran into similar problems, trying to emulate Scrivener and others. I
> only seem to be able to figure out a thin nav panel on the left and a
> bigger text panel on the right. I didn't get around the problem with
> virtual buffers having the same modal properties as the main buffer. In
> particular, buffer-local key bindings carry over from the index buffer
> to the main buffer, which is A Royal Pain.

This in particular is something I wish could be solved.  Just reading
the documentation it looks as though using "mike-indirect-buffer"
instead of "clone-indirect-buffer" will permit one to set all the
modal properties of the new buffer independently, though it may be
frustrating to address the indirect bufffer in a function called from
the first buffer (maybe not, though?).  cf.
and http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/IndirectBuffers
> But perhaps I'm looking for different features than you are. Mainly, I
> wanted a template system for scenes, characters, etc. (easy enough), a
> lot of statistics, both global and per-story (not conceptually difficult
> but took much time), and a good darkroom mode (much more of a challenge
> than I expected, and seems to vary among environments/releases, etc.;
> that is to say, most of the published emacs darkroom code didn't work
> for me).
> I've also got some fluff such as typing sounds, word frequency analysis,
> a name generator, etc.
> It's nothing special but I use it every day. However, I'm more than
> willing to throw it over and use your code once it's developed! I'm sure
> you're coding it much, much better and with concepts that are better
> thought through.

That sounds pretty great, actually.  So, I would love to see what you have.

> A hui hou,
> --
> Bob Newell
> Honolulu, Hawai`i

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