Dear All,

I'd like to use headings, which display dates (live) as well. This seems
to be practical when browsing org file. So one can see at first sight
when e.g. meeting was held:

** Changelog
*** meeting <2013-10-03 Thu 17:41>
*** meeting Cristina <2013-09-13 Fri 14:41>
*** short meeting after holidays <2013-09-04 Wed 09:09>
*** meeting - seems finally OK <2013-06-27 Thu 17:00>

Now, the trouble is, that when I invoke org-store-link in any of those
headings containing date, only the textual part gets copied. Such link,
when pasted, does not work. Instead I get message claiming that link
does not exist, and asking whether I want to create a new one....

anyone knows how to avoid this problem while still using 'visible'
dates? I want to have those dates visible at first sight without need of
opening the heading...

many thanks


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