Rene <jlr_0 <at>> writes:

> I like the intuitive way the Org mode structure editing and list
> formatting works.  Thus I turn it on in mail-mode with 
>      (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'turn-on-orgstruct)
> This works alright.
> But when I use orgstruct++-mode
>      (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'turn-on-orgstruct++)
> Then fill-paragraph (M-q) doesn't behave correctly anymore when
> applied to the paragraph right below the mail-header-separator
> ("--text follows this line--").  All the above lines get rearranged.
> I just realized that with orgstruct-mode the regexp
> paragraph-separate contains the mail-header-separator, whereas
> with orgstruct++-mode this regexp does NOT contain the
> mail-header-separator.  

The value of paragraph-separate as predefined in sendmail.el is

  (setq paragraph-separate
        (concat (regexp-quote mail-header-separator)
                ;; This is based on adaptive-fill-regexp (presumably
                ;; the idea is to allow navigation etc of cited paragraphs).
                "$\\|\t*[-–!|#%;>*·•‣⁃◦ ]+$"
                "\\|[ \t]*[-[:alnum:]]*>+[ \t]*$\\|[ \t]*$\\|"
                "--\\( \\|-+\\)$\\|"

With orgstruct-mode the value of paragraph-separate becomes

"--text follows this line--$\\| *[-–!|#%;>*·•‣⁃◦ ]+$\\|[ 
]*[-[:alnum:]]*>+[      ]*$\\|[         ]*$\\|--\\( \\|-+\\)$\\|^\f"

As one can see orgstruct-mod do not alter this variable.

Whereas with orgstruct++-mode, the initial value of paragraph-separate
(given within
sendmail.el) vanishes, and turns into

"\\(?:\\*+ \\|\\[\\(?:[0-9]+\\|fn:[-_[:word:]]+\\)\\]\\|%%(\\|
[ ]*\\(?:$\\|\\(?:|\\|\\+-[-+]\\)\\|[#:]\\|-\\{5,\\}[ ]*$\\|
\\(?:[-+*]\\|\\(?:[0-9]+\\)[.)]\\)\\(?:[        ]\\|$\\)\\)\\)"

Why is that so?


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