Aloha Isaac,

This sounds to me a lot like literate programming, which can be
accomplished in Org with very many languages, including ruby and python
(but not lua, yet).  See An advantage
of literate programming is that it generates documentation in addition
to the program code.


Isaac <> writes:

> proposal for a tool to translate orgmode outlines into programs
> Idea: 
>     a program to translate orgmode note into script/programs which can be 
> used as a template/starting point for a real program after debugging, 
> refactoring. 
> Background and reasons: 
>     As I am accumulating more orgmode notes for problem solving, task 
> planning, project coordination,  I think it would be nice if a tool can 
> translate the orgmode (especially those problem solving ones) into programs 
> (as much as it can)- at least a program skeleton, where after 
> ideas(outlines) are done, we can generate a corresponding program which can 
> be quickly edited/debugged/re factored/tightened up to be useful running 
> programs - to facilitate problem solving and task repetition in the future.
> Questions and Discussions:
>     1. whether this would be a worthwhile idea, or such idea has been tried 
> before?
>     2. do we have alternative solutions?
>     3. if indeed this idea is interesting, what programming language it 
> would e worthwhile to translate to?  
>         currently I am thinking more along of the line of python, as its 
> indenting structure more or less resemble outlines. (though my personal take 
> for writing script is in ruby, lua is another interesting choice). this 3rd 
> question is what I don't know for sure, I found for me ruby is more 
> productive for scripting, and python has better supports ... 
>         ruby could be another attractive choice - level 1 headlines maybe 
> translated to a class, while other levels translate to methods ...
>     Welcome your comments and ideas
>     thanks, Isaac
>     (while I am doing some search, found 
>     1. the reverse direction of this is: 
> - python reading and writing orgmode, but would I would prefer is orgmode => 
> python/ruby instead.
>     2. another candidate is tangle - but idea here is different, not to 
> export codes written in orgmode, but to translate/turn orgmode text directly 
> into codes.
>     3. an interesting node.js parser for orgmode: 
>     Some further elaboration:
>         1. say if a headline is an action:
>             translate to def ... a function
>         2. say if a headline is some description:
>             translate to class ...
>         3. some long lines can be simply turned to comments/docstring
>         4. ... maybe ... some NLP can be used to decide what actions to 
> take?

Thomas S. Dye

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