* Jarmo Hurri <jarmo.hu...@syk.fi> wrote:
> Greetings.

Hi Jarmo!

> I am pretty sure that the following can be done, I just do not know how.

Is there a T-Shirt with this sentence available somewhere? *SCNR*

> 1. In general I want to see repeated timestamps, TODOs etc. appear at
>    every repeat, so I need to have the value of
>    org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all set to t. However, for *some*
>    repeated timestamps I would only like to see only the next repeated
>    instance. How do I accomplish this?

Sorry, no idea but interested as well.

> 2. I have some events that take place multiple times in a week. This is
>    easy to accomplish:
>    * Learn something new about org-mode
>      <2013-10-05 Sat 17:00-18:00 +1w>
>      <2013-10-06 Sun 12:00-14:00 +1w>
>    However, I would also like to associate, with each of these
>    timestamps, a different piece of text. Most often this text is a
>    location. I want to see this text in my agenda. How can this be done?

When I switched to Org-mode I was disappointed on the limited ways
to do recurring events (without sexp): every 2nd Tuesday of a month,
single exceptions, ... not possible.

However, when I was told about org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift
this changed :-) 

Now, I create a recurring event (let's say Linux User Group):

** <2013-10-07 17:00-19:00 +4w> LUGG    @City

(you can even skip the "+4w" here)

Next, I invoke org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift and multiply the
event for the next year or so. This gets me a copy of the event for
each occurrence. Those distinct events I can delete, cancel, move,
add notes to, and so forth.

I like this much better than one heading for all occurrences.

mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
       > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <

https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode + more on github

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