Hi List, 

with tmp.org

#+begin_src org
* A
  DEADLINE: <2013-10-11 Fr 06:33 +1m -3d>

txt A

* B
  DEADLINE: <2013-10-11 Fr 22:00 +1m>

txt B

calling `org-element-parse-buffer' results in the following parse-tree

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (org-data nil (headline (:raw-value "A" :begin 1 :end 55 :pre-blank 0 :hiddenp
  nil :contents-begin 5 :contents-end 54 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil
  :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 :footnote-section-p nil
  :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :deadline (timestamp (:type active
  :raw-value "<2013-10-11 Fr 06:33 +1m -3d>" :year-start 2013 :month-start 10
  :day-start 11 :hour-start 6 :minute-start 33 :year-end 2013 :month-end 10
  :day-end 11 :hour-end 6 :minute-end 33 :begin 17 :end 46 :post-blank 0))
  :CATEGORY "timestmp" :title (#("A" 0 1 (:parent #1))) :parent #0) (section
  (:begin 5 :end 55 :contents-begin 5 :contents-end 54 :post-blank 1 :parent #1)
  (planning (:closed nil :deadline (timestamp (:type active :raw-value
  "<2013-10-11 Fr 06:33 +1m -3d>" :year-start 2013 :month-start 10 :day-start 11
  :hour-start 6 :minute-start 33 :year-end 2013 :month-end 10 :day-end 11
  :hour-end 6 :minute-end 33 :begin 17 :end 46 :post-blank 0)) :scheduled nil
  :begin 5 :end 48 :post-blank 1 :parent #2)) (paragraph (:begin 48 :end 54
  :contents-begin 48 :contents-end 54 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 48 :parent
  #2) #("txt A " 0 6 (:parent #3))))) (headline (:raw-value "B" :begin 55 :end
  104 :pre-blank 0 :hiddenp nil :contents-begin 59 :contents-end 104 :level 1
  :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0
  :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :deadline
  (timestamp (:type active :raw-value "<2013-10-11 Fr 22:00 +1m>" :year-start
  2013 :month-start 10 :day-start 11 :hour-start 22 :minute-start 0 :year-end
  2013 :month-end 10 :day-end 11 :hour-end 22 :minute-end 0 :begin 71 :end 96
  :post-blank 0 :repeater-type cumulate :repeater-value 1 :repeater-unit month))
  :CATEGORY nil :title (#("B" 0 1 (:parent #1))) :parent #0) (section (:begin 59
  :end 104 :contents-begin 59 :contents-end 104 :post-blank 0 :parent #1)
  (planning (:closed nil :deadline (timestamp (:type active :raw-value
  "<2013-10-11 Fr 22:00 +1m>" :year-start 2013 :month-start 10 :day-start 11
  :hour-start 22 :minute-start 0 :year-end 2013 :month-end 10 :day-end 11
  :hour-end 22 :minute-end 0 :begin 71 :end 96 :post-blank 0 :repeater-type
  cumulate :repeater-value 1 :repeater-unit month)) :scheduled nil :begin 59
  :end 98 :post-blank 1 :parent #2)) (paragraph (:begin 98 :end 104
  :contents-begin 98 :contents-end 104 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 98 :parent
  #2) #("txt B " 0 6 (:parent #3))))))

Note the two different deadline timestamps:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (:deadline (timestamp (:type active :raw-value "<2013-10-11 Fr
  06:33 +1m -3d>" :year-start 2013 :month-start 10 :day-start 11
   :hour-start 6 :minute-start 33 :year-end 2013 :month-end
   10 :day-end 11 :hour-end 6 :minute-end 33 :begin 17 :end
   46 :post-blank 0)))


#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (:deadline (timestamp (:type active :raw-value "<2013-10-11 Fr
  22:00 +1m>" :year-start 2013 :month-start 10 :day-start
  11 :hour-start 22 :minute-start 0 :year-end 2013 :month-end
  10 :day-end 11 :hour-end 22 :minute-end 0 :begin 71 :end
  96 :post-blank 0 :repeater-type cumulate :repeater-value
  1 :repeater-unit month)))

It looks as if the combination of repeater *and* special warning period
prevents the parsing of both of them.


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