Hi List, 

with tmp.org

#+begin_src org
* TODO [#A] This *is* _the_ \Headline\ <2013-10-13 So 04:44> :tag1:
  :CUSTOM_ID: abc123

calling `org-element-parse-buffer' yields:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (org-data nil (headline (:raw-value This *is* _the_ \Headline\
  <2013-10-13 So 04:44> :begin 1 :end 113 :pre-blank 0 :hiddenp
  nil :contents-begin 69 :contents-end 113 :level 1 :priority
  65 :tags (tag1) :todo-keyword TODO :todo-type todo :post-blank
  0 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp
  nil :CUSTOM_ID abc123 :CATEGORY ??? :title (This (bold (:begin
  6 :end 11 :contents-begin 7 :contents-end 9 :post-blank 1 :parent
  #1) is) (underline (:begin 11 :end 17 :contents-begin
  12 :contents-end 15 :post-blank 1 :parent #1)
  the) (latex-fragment (:value \Headline :begin 17 :end
  26 :post-blank 0 :parent #1)) \ (timestamp (:type
  active :raw-value <2013-10-13 So 04:44> :year-start
  2013 :month-start 10 :day-start 13 :hour-start 4 :minute-start
  44 :year-end 2013 :month-end 10 :day-end 13 :hour-end
  4 :minute-end 44 :begin 28 :end 49 :post-blank 0 :parent
  #1))) :parent #0) (section (:begin 69 :end 113 :contents-begin
  69 :contents-end 113 :post-blank 0 :parent
  #1) (property-drawer (:begin 69 :end 113 :hiddenp
  nil :contents-begin 84 :contents-end 105 :post-blank
  0 :post-affiliated 69 :parent #2) (node-property (:key
  CUSTOM_ID :value abc123 :begin 84 :end 105 :post-blank 0 :parent

Note that 

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(latex-fragment (:value \Headline :begin 17 :end
  26 :post-blank 0 :parent #1))

should really be an =(italic (...))= object. 


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