Thank you for your comments and suggestions!

Running a virtual machine for the second setup is an interesting idea, but
it is problematic, as I'm using MacOS X 10.6 and AFAIK it is not permitted
to run it in a VM.
I'm currently working with org-mode under OS X (Aquamacs) at home and under
Windows 7 at work.
(For a VM with Windows I'd need a second license and for using LINUX in the
VM I'd have a 3rd operating system to fiddle with).

I could however create a second user account in OS X for such purpose and
then try to sync the "shared" parts of the emacs/org-mode configuration

I thought that it should be easy (give I know, how) to have 2 branches in my
mercurial repository, one for the "general settings" and one also containing
my private data.

Another solution might be to have 2 different stages of emacs/org-mode
configuration files and if necessary "reset" emacs and org-mode by a command
and then only load the "public" configuration for demo purpose.

Kind regards


> Von: Noorul Islam K M <>
> Datum: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 09:30:15 +0530
> An: Nick Dokos <>
> Cc: <>
> Betreff: Re: [O] Setup for switching between 2 org-mode configurations
> (demo/productive)?
> Nick Dokos <> writes:
>> Karl Voit <> writes:
>>> * M <> wrote:

>>>> I'd like to set up org-mode in a way to separate my personal data from my
>>>> gerenal settings.
>>>> and easily re-enable them later.
>>> [...]
>>>> I assume that some of you already have something like that or can recommend
>>>> a way for doing so?
>>> I by myself did chose a manual attempt so far: temporarily modifying
>>> org-agenda-files to one demo file [1] and sticking to this demo file
>>> only while showing stuff.
>> It may be worth considering running in a virtual machine.
> And RAM and CPU cycles being cheap these days, I second this suggestion.
> Take a look at 
> Thanks and Regards
> Noorul

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