Hi again,

today seems to be my Eric Schulte spamming day. Sorry for that.

Ok. Checking why I do not have the latest and finest version of
org-ehtml I found the following error

package-compute-transaction: Need package `elnode-20130416.1626', but
only is available
However, org-ehtml requirements in ELPA says
Requires: elnode-0.9.9, org-plus-contrib-20120928

I can't find a version of ELPA with this name. Might it be, that you
used a locally installed version of elnodes?

All my other errors might simply result of using a org-ehtml version
which still relied on the old exporter. E.g. I had no ox-ehtml.
I guess  I am getting closer.
I will try to install elnodes from git and see if this helps.
All the best


On 16 October 2013 16:53, Torsten Wagner <torsten.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Stop!
> I just notice that my elpa installation seems to be broken. Still have
> a ehtml version of 2012 despite the fact that I tried to update them
> yesterday.
> Will check this further. Forget about my gibberish in my last response!
> Sorry
> On 16 October 2013 16:39, Torsten Wagner <torsten.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> thanks for the ueberfast response...
>> On 16 October 2013 15:55, Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Lets at least try to isolate the problem.  Could you try the following?
>> Sure,
>>> 1. (require 'elnode), then point your browser to http://localhost:8000 where
>>> you should see a directory listing and a test.html file, clicking on the
>>> test.html file should show elnodes test web page.  If this doesn't work you
>>> don't have elnode installed correctly.
>> This seems to work. I get a basic set of a folder structure as response.
>> However, calling elnode I find
>> Package assoc is obsolete!
>> in my *Message* buffer. Calling the website I receive a lot of elnode
>> errors like:
>> ...
>> elnode-error: elnode--sentinel 'open from' for process
>> *elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer nil
>> elnode-error: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <>
>> open from
>> elnode-error: filter: calling handler on *elnode-webserver-proc*
>> <>
>> elnode-error: starting HTTP response on *elnode-webserver-proc*
>> <>
>> elnode-error: elnode--process-send-eof on *elnode-webserver-proc*
>> <>
>> elnode-error: elnode--http-end ending socket *elnode-webserver-proc*
>> <>
>> elnode-error: elnode--sentinel 'deleted.' for process
>> *elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer
>> *elnode-request-39559*
>> elnode-error: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> 
>> deleted
>> elnode-error: filter: handler returned on *elnode-webserver-proc*
>> <>
>> elnode-error: elnode--sentinel 'open from' for process
>> *elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer nil
>> ...
>> However, it seems still to work somehow or at least there is something
>> on the website.
>>> 2. (require 'ox-ehtml), then open an Org-mode file and export with C-c C-e,
>>> you should now see a normal html export of the file.
>> Did you mean org-ehtml?
>> Just wondering. Or did you mean org-export? Because trying to execute
>> (require 'ox-ehtml) emacs can't find a file with this name,
>> (require 'org-ethml) it complains of not being able to load org-export!
>> Exporting a test file as HTML w (C-c C-e h o) however works.
>> Hmm... I just notice, that org-export, which I can call despite it
>> tells me org-export is missing, gives me the old exporter mask.
>> Calling C-c C-e gives me the new mask.
>> Checking for key-bindings C-c C-e runs the command org-export-dispatch.
>> Maybe this gives you some idea?
>> Just to give some more details
>> I use
>> Org-mode version 8.2.1 (8.2.1-3-g35e5e5-elpa @
>> /home/torsten/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20131007/)
>> GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.8.2) of
>> 2013-08-07 on -mnt-storage-buildroots-staging-x86_64-eric
>> Should I see another exporter after calling ox-ehtml?
>> I guess the problem appears within the above step already.
>> Any idea?
>> Torsten

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