Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all
> i decided to dive into the deep water and get rid of M$ word once and
> for all. I'm still an org novice but since i love org i choose org for
> the task.
> I'm trying to write a simple guidebook for my students in a GIS
> course. Everything works great apart for the life of me i cant get the
> hang of formatting and specifically how to insert (automatically?) line
> breaks so that its discrete lines and not a paragraph. i think one can
> use '\\' to indicate a line break but since its a guidebook "form"
> there are almost no paragraphs and most line are 1 liners, so it seems
> to me crazy to go over hundred lines of text and attach a \\ at the
> end. What am i missing here?

Hi there,

My quick fix for this was to save a macro and then bind it to a key. From

;;;; Saved macros
;; Saved macro - adds latex end-lines to verse passages
(fset 'versify
      [?\C-a ?\C-e ?\\ ?\\ down])

(global-set-key (kbd "s-v") 'versify)

I can fix a lot of lines very quickly with this :-)



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