Andreas Leha writes:

> Hi Christian,
> [bringing this back on the list]


>>>>>> 3. Give the first page the page style OrgFirstPage. 

>>>>> Which I had to create new.  Is that intended?

>> It doesn't strictly have to be that style, or an Org-prefixed style at
>> all, but it's strange that you don't have them.

> Yes, which style is used seems not essential (as it works with my
> self-created OrgFirstPage style).  But I guess, that getting (at
> one point) orgmode to automatically assign the desired style to
> the first page will be only possible, if the intended style is
> used.

Yes, very true.

>> What is the value of the variable `org-odt-styles-file'? If nil, what is
>> your `org-odt-styles-dir'? You should find an `OrgOdtStyles.xml' in one
>> of those.

> That was the correct pointer.  org-odt-styles-file is indeed nil,
> and org-odt-styles-dir is pointing to the wrong directory!  I
> gather that it is derived from org-odt-styles-dir-list.  That
> list contains the correct directory, but only at the third
> position. (...)
> Isn't that supposed to be set automagically during the install process?

It is set when ox-odt is loaded, ultimately based on info from the
install, I guess, but making a number of guesses about other possible
locations to look. Org-odt-styles-dir will then look for the first
directory in the list that contains the two required files
(OrgOdtStyles.xml, OrgOdtContentTemplate.xml). The order of the
directories listed shouldn't matter, as long as you don't have more than
one directory containing files with the right names. Not sure I can help
with this.

> I have now a
> (setq org-odt-styles-dir 
> "/home/andreas/local/emacs/org-mode-install/etc/styles")
> in my .emacs
> Is that the correct fix here?

For now, if it works...

>>>>> 2. (The same happens for email)

>> And if you enable #+OPTIONS: email:t ...?

> Does not seem to change anything here.

Right. I can't actually find a useful field to insert for email, apart
from Insert>Fields>Document>Sender>E-mail, which is populated from the
user data registered for LibreOffice on your user account, not from the
document information, which does not contain email info. If you'll
always be using the same email address, just include it; if you need to
specify different email addresses for different documents, there may not
be a very simple solution.

>>>>> 3. The date always shows the current date, but I'd like to see
>>>>>    the #+DATE: value. [...]

>>>> Try this: 
>>>> Insert > Fields > Other > Tab:DocInformation > Type:Created, Select:Date

>>> The field you suggest seems to give me what it says:  the creation date.

>> Yes, try using a timestamp instead:
>> #+DATE: [2013-10-10]

> That works, thanks.  I do not always use a real date here (but sometimes
> also sth like '3rd meeting of ...').  But that is not a real problem --
> I can easily restrict myself to using real dates only.

Yes, I think that restriction will be necessary.


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