On 2013-10-24 17:48, John Kitchin wrote:
I don't think making chemdraw a babel language is the answer here. The way I know chemdraw is as a standalone binary executable that is all gui. there is no scripting. maybe you could build an xml file by hand, but i would never dream of that! maybe I am missing how you would use it.
Sorry, not familiar w/ chemdraw and you had originally mentioned that you wanted clicking the link to open it in emacs.
[[chemdraw:file.cdxml][file:file.png]] Is pretty close to what I had in mind. I would define the link click function to just strip off the png, and open the file.cdxml for example, then you do not need both of those pieces. I suppose this means you would have had to export the file as a new png after editing it to make a change though.
I realize that. I offered this approach as an alternative, as I believe I can add the functionality to expand inline images in the description portion, but i don't see a way to make the link portion accept "aliases" for the file: protocol without major changes to link handling. Even then, it seems a bit like a hack.
[many use cases omitted]
Those are what I was thinking about for using other links as images.
Other than having to repeat yourself, wouldn't the [[custom:file.ext][file:file.png]] syntax allow for most/all of the use cases mentioned? rick