
I am trying to configure my refiling targets in a way, that allows me to
refile to any of the files in org-agenda-files, as well as to the file
displayed by the current buffer, if it is not included in
org-agenda-files.  Additionally, I want the headings in agenda-files to
be included up to level 4, but of current file every heading should be
considered a target.

This is what I came up with so far:

(setq org-refile-targets
      (quote ((org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 4)
              (#'(lambda ()
                   (unless (member (buffer-file-name) org-agenda-files)
                     (buffer-file-name)) :regexp . ".*")))))

The problem here is, that the lambda evaluates to nil when
(buffer-file-name) is a member of org-agenda-files. And this nil in turn
isn't anything org-refile understands (Upon C-c C-w I get "Bad refiling
target description nil").

Does anyone know how to go about this and can give me soem pointers?


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