Hello Jambunathan,

thanks for your quick reply.

> I am desperately looking for a documentation.
> M-x find-library RET ox-freemind RET
> Just look at English strings there.  That should give you a pretty good
> idea of what you can do.
> Yes, I looked at the file for hours to try to figure out how it works. I
am probably too stupid, sorry (not joking here).

The beginning of the file says:

>> See ox.el for more details on how this exporter works. <<

I did look, but didn't find any information there.

You can also search for the string - left or right - and you know that
> the exporter already has some trick up it's sleeve.

I searched, but didn't understand the "trick".

> > I want to position nodes on the left, for example, but I don't know
> > how to pass optional parameters to the converter.
> Unless you give an example, it is difficult for me to understand what
> you want to achieve.  How does your Org file look like and what node you
> want to position left.

Like this:

#+AUTHOR: Christof

* Headline 1

** Sub 1.1
** Sub 1.2

* Headline 2

** Sub 2.1
** Sub 2.2

Branch "Headline 2" should be place to the left of the central SUBJECT in

I also don't understand how to access the other styles 0-5 that a

Thanks again


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