Eric Schulte <> writes:

Greetings Eric.

> There are two paces to specify header arguments in a call line, the
> arguments in the [] are applied to the input-table function, *not* to
> the call line, so they change the inputs.  The trailing header
> arguments are applied to the call line.

So there is an implicit post-processing function that takes the result
of the called block as input, and hline pruning is applied in this

I put on the table a suggestion that the default behaviour of #+CALL
w.r.t. the handling of hlines is changed from removing hlines in output
to not removing them. I am suggesting this partly because I don't
understand why the default behaviour is as it is now, and secondly
because the current behavious differs from the way hlines are handled in
other block evaluations:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* hline pruning in output

  # case 1: hlines are retained by default when a source code block is
  # defined and evaluated
  #+NAME: func
  #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
    (list '(a) '(b) 'hline '(c))

  #+RESULTS: func
  | a |
  | b |
  | c |

  # case 2: hlines are retained by default when source code is called
  # by post
  #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :post func()

  | a |
  | b |
  | c |

  # case 3: but hlines are removed by default when source code is
  # called by #+CALL
  #+CALL: func()

  | a |
  | b |
  | c |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

All the best,


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