Thanks, this does answer my initial question and works good enough to
enable latex export! 

Even better would be if it's possible to mimic imaxima behaviour which
is (I think) to directly process the resulting latex code and
(temporarily?) store it as an image to display the pretty-printed
equations directly inline in the org-buffer (which will make it export
as html better I guess as the latex output doesn't seem to be recognised
when exporting to html).

All the best,


Eric Schulte <> writes:

> Changing ":results output" to ":results output latex" in Rüdiger's nice
> example below would probably be an improvement.
> Best,
> Rüdiger Sonderfeld <> writes:
>> TeX output is a feature of Maxima.  See
>> (info "(maxima) Functions and Variables for TeX Output")
>> E.g.
>> #+name: solve-maxima
>> #+header: :exports results
>> #+begin_src maxima :results output
>>   tex(exp(-x)/x);
>> #+end_src
>> #+RESULTS: solve-maxima
>> : $${{e^ {- x }}\over{x}}$$
>> On Thursday 21 November 2013 23:58:35 wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there a way to evaluate imaxima source code in org-mode to display
>>> the latex output inline in the org-buffer? I have found in [1] how to
>>> evaluate maxima code, but I don't understand if and how to adopt it to
>>> get the nice latex/pdf output. Any pointers appreciated, or just whether
>>> it is possible or not.
>>> I am running emacs 24.3.1 with org mode 7.9.3f.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Johnny
>>> Footnotes:
>>> [1]

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