There are some Emacs commands that come disabled by default.
narrow-to-region and narrow-to-page are examples. Emacs manual says
"The purpose of disabling a command is to prevent users from executing
it by accident; we do this for commands that might be confusing to the

80% of my mind says org-narrow-to-subtree should be disabled by
default, which is not the case as of now. On the other hand, no policy
says that every narrowing commands need be disabled. One knows that
there is no such policy by seeing that narrow-to-defun is not
disabled. That is why 20% of my mind says org-narrow-to-subtree need
not come disabled.

What do you think? If the overall consensus is that the command should
be disabled, then incorporating that in org.el would be as simple as

(put 'org-narrow-to-subtree 'disabled t)

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