Miguel Ruiz <rbeni...@yahoo.es> writes:

> (defconst org-file-apps-defaults-cygwin
> '((remote . emacs)
> (t . "cygstart %s")
> (system . "cygstart %s")
> ("ps.gz" . "gv %s") 
> ("eps.gz" . "gv %s")
> ("dvi" . "xdvi %s")
> ("fig" . "xfig %s")))
> (defun org-default-apps ()
>   "Return the default applications for this operating system."
>   (cond
>    ((eq system-type 'darwin)     org-file-apps-defaults-macosx)
>    ((eq system-type 'cygwin)     org-file-apps-defaults-cygwin) 
>    ((eq system-type 'windows-nt) org-file-apps-defaults-windowsnt)
>    (t org-file-apps-defaults-gnu)))

The cygwin issue your report should have been picked up by now.  It is a
good idea to do a

    M-x report-emacs-bug

so that this issue is recorded.

> I suppose you would like to know I have also tweaked your directions
> about odt-mathml for cygwin:
> (setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command 
> "java -jar $(cygpath -pw %j) -unicode -force -df %o %I")
> (setq org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file 
>   "/home/user/tmp-odt/mathtoweb.jar")

Thanks.  I see mathml has improved since I added support for it.  You
are the second ever user I heard from.  (Search for plasticml in the
mailing list to see the "other" mathml thread)

> with great success (Java 1.7 update 25, mathtoweb 4.0.0).

Good to hear that.

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